Different Types of Lip Piercings and Rings: Exploring the Criss Cross Lip Piercing

Looking for a way to express your individuality and style? Lip piercings can offer just that. Explore the different types of lip piercings and rings.

Lip piercings are a popular way to express individuality and style. There are many different types of lip piercings, each with its own unique look and appeal. In this article, we will explore the various types of lip piercings, the different types of lip rings, and the criss cross lip piercing.

Different Types of Lip Piercings

  1. Labret Piercing: This is the most standard of all lip piercings, done right under the lip and above the chin. Some people get this piercing in the center, while others prefer it off to one side of the mouth[1].
  2. Monroe Piercing: Named after Marilyn Monroe’s iconic beauty mark, this piercing is placed above the upper lip on one side[2].
  3. Medusa Piercing: Also known as the philtrum piercing, this piercing is placed above the lip, directly under the septum of the nose[2].
  4. Vertical Labret Piercing: This piercing goes through the center of the lower lip vertically, with both ends of the jewelry visible[3].
  5. Snake Bites Piercing: This consists of two piercings, one on each side of the lower lip[3].
  6. Spider Bites Piercing: Similar to snake bites, this piercing consists of two piercings close together on one side of the lower lip[3].
  7. Dolphin Bites Piercing: This piercing features two piercings placed close together in the center of the lower lip[3].
  8. Shark Bites Piercing: This consists of four piercings, two on each side of the lower lip[3].
  9. Angel Bites Piercing: This piercing features two piercings, one on each side of the upper lip[2].
  10. Horizontal Lip Piercing: This piercing goes horizontally through the lip, with both ends of the jewelry visible[1].
  11. Criss Cross Lip Piercing: This unique lip piercing features a double lip ring that crosses over, creating an “X” shape[4].

Different Types of Lip Rings

There are several different types of lip rings, including:

  1. Horseshoes: Circular jewelry with two removable balls or spikes on each end[5].
  2. Segment Rings: Circular jewelry with a removable segment for easy insertion and removal[5].
  3. BCRs (Beaded Captive Rings): Circular jewelry with a single captive bead[5].
  4. Spiral Barbells: Curved barbells that form a spiral shape[5].
  5. Lippy Loops: Specially designed lip rings with a loop on one end to hold the jewelry in place[5].

Criss Cross Lip Piercing

The criss cross lip piercing is a unique and eye-catching style that features a double lip ring crossing over to create an “X” shape. This type of lip piercing can be worn as a faux lip ring or as a real piercing, depending on personal preference[4][6].

In conclusion, there are numerous types of lip piercings and lip rings to choose from, each with its own unique look and appeal. Whether you opt for a single piercing or multiple piercings, lip piercings can be a stylish and expressive way to showcase your individuality.

[1] https://bm25.com/blogs/news/types-of-lip-piercings
[2] https://www.spencersonline.com/blog/types-of-lip-piercings-everything-you-need-to-know/
[3] https://www.freshtrends.com/pages/lip-piercing
[4] https://www.etsy.com/listing/247364118/criss-cross-lip-ring-double-lip-ring
[5] https://www.bodycandy.com/blogs/news/body-jewelry-in-depth-anatomy-of-a-lip-ring
[6] https://www.pinterest.com/pin/667729082243071857/


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